About Us
The Arruda Botelho Sociedade de Advogados law firm, founded by Augusto de Arruda Botelho, an attorney with wide criminal law experience – since his time working side by side with Márcio Thomaz Bastos -, counts on professionals dedicated to criminal law with focus on defending the client’s individual guarantees.
In support to our utmost commitment – criminal advisory with excellence – our team of attorneys prioritizes quality services over sponsoring a large number of cases. To this end, the firm couples the ability to accommodate major demands with a purposely-small structure, thus leading to a direct involvement of our founding partner in all cases sponsored, as well as a tailored assistance to meet the client’s needs in an individualized and efficient manner.
Aware of the constant changes in criminal law practice, first and foremost due to a massive criminalization of conducts formerly considered lawful, the firm constantly encourages the professional updating of its team members, thus delivering an all-encompassing analysis of the client’s questionings, a profile that allows our attorneys to engage in the most complex cases in the current scenario.
Currently, the founding partner Augusto de Arruda Botelho is on leave from the firm and from practicing law, due to his governmental position as National Secretary of Justice.